7 Keys To Thrive As An Entrepreneur

As a busy business owner,  there are so many elements to entrepreneurship filled with the fun, the challenges, the pivots, the learning and of course those moments of success.

We’ve put together 7 keys to help you thrive throughout the ups and downs of your business journey.

  1. Believe in YOURSELF:  When you believe in yourself it gives you the confidence to take risks, to overcome the obstacles that you may face and to have faith in yourself and your abilities, especially when you feel like giving up. When you have confidence within, it also inspires those around you to believe in your vision and goals - be the energy you want to attract!

  2. Embrace failure:  We believe that there is: no failure, only feedback.  When things don’t go to plan, take a deep breath and look at it from a new perspective.   Failure can be an opportunity to receive feedback and begin again with more experience and can become the compass for you to implement new energy, a new plan and a new strategy to work towards your goals.

  3. Stay in your own lane: In a fast paced world that we live in, it can be so easy to keep watching what everyone else is doing and feel like you have to follow the same footsteps.  You know that comparisonitis that creeps in? Stay in your own lane. Focus on your vision, your goals and the impact you want to create in your business. This is your journey, no one else’s so stick your lane.

  4. Take care of YOU: It can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to take care of you. You’re numero uno! Especially as the business owner as you are the most valuable asset. Make sure you incorporate those self care activities daily such as participating in some sort of movement,  meditating, nourishing your body with wholefoods and taking breaks when you need them -  make them a non negotiable, your wellbeing and your business will thank you!

  5. Get Creative:  As an entrepreneur, you need to be creative. There will be a lot of moments that you will need to come up with new ideas, and ways to market your business and pivot when things don't go as “planned”.  As Marie Forleo says: “Everything Is Figureoutable” - we strongly believe there’s always a way to figure something out, and potentially make a way out of no way. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try new things as being creative can set you apart from your competition.

  6. Delegate to Elevate: Running a business is a lot, we get it! To do lists keep growing, you’re behind in your content, you’re wearing all the hats, overwhelm kicks in and it’s a struggle to stay organised. That’s when it’s time to start delegating so you can elevate, level up in your business and focus on your zone of genius. Not sure where to start? Click here to see our range of services

  7. Have Fun: Running a business can have those moments where you feel stressed and like you’re in the trenches. Remember your WHY, come back to your passion and why you started your business in the first place. Reflect on your setbacks, celebrate those wins along the way and enjoy the ride.

    We hope this helps you thrive in your entrepreneurial journey! Now go out there and continue to make the magic happen!


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