What’s the difference between a VA and an OBM?

If you're an entrepreneur or a business owner, you might have heard of the terms Virtual Assistant (VA) and Online Business Manager (OBM).

But what's the difference between the two?

Virtual Assistant (VA)

A Virtual Assistant is a great extension to your business. They work their magic by taking care of those admin tasks so you can take back control of your workload and get those administration tasks done on your never ending to do list that you’re feeling overwhelmed about. VA’s help create more space in your day so that you can focus on what you do best and not the daily admin work that comes with business so you can focus on your zone of genius.

They can handle various tasks such as email management, inbox management, data entry, research, scheduling, and more. VAs usually work on an hourly basis and are responsible for completing tasks assigned to them by their clients. 

A VA is generally someone you might first hire prior to bringing on other support in your business and are generally guided by you as the business owner or your OBM.

Online Business Manager (OBM)

An Online Business Manager offers the highest level of support for you and your business. They  are  your right hand person and look at things from a higher perspective. They work closely with the business owner and help you implement and manage all the things needed for your business’ expansion and growth. Think project management, operations and metrics and support you with the day to day operations, delegation of work, implementation of sustainable systems, management of team members (like a VA) along with a detailed action plan to help you achieve your desired outcomes and goals in business.

OBM’s help you lead your business and bring your visions to life and support you with your team.

The main difference between a VA and an OBM is their level of responsibility and expertise. While a VA provides general administrative support, an OBM takes a more strategic approach, focusing on the big picture and helping businesses achieve their goals. 

Both are valuable assets to any business, but it's important to understand the difference between the two to make an informed decision about which one is right for your business needs.

So which level of support are you needing?

If you’re still unsure download our Guide: Tasks a VA and OBM can do for you to help support you in the process 


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