Why Posting Podcast Episodes Isn’t Enough: Boost Your Podcast With A Visibility Plan

So you’ve got your Podcast up and out into the world and you’re posting a new podcast episode every week—awesome! BUT if you’re still seeing those downloads drop or not grow as fast as you'd like, it might be time to rethink your approach. Posting episodes regularly is just one piece of the podcast puzzle!

Here’s why a solid visibility strategy is key to getting those numbers up and how it can transform your podcast:

1. The internet is a busy place

Think of your podcast like a fun party. You’ve got the best DJ (your content) ready to rock, but if no one knows about the party, it’s going to be a lonely dance floor. Posting episodes every week is like setting up the party without sending out invites. You need a strategy in place to spread the word! It’s about making sure your podcast reaches as many ears as possible.

2. More Sharing Means More Listeners

When you share your podcast episodes multiple times on social media, it’s like sending out several party invites. Each post is another chance for people to see it, remember it, and click that play button. Here’s how to do it:

  • Teasers and Quotes: Share exciting snippets or quotes from your episode

  • Behind-the-Scenes: Show what goes into making your episodes

  • Reminders: Post again a few days after the episode goes live to catch those who might have missed it

3. The Magic of Guest Appearances

Imagine you’re hosting a party, and you invite a guest who’s a local celebrity. They’ll bring their friends, and suddenly your party is the hottest thing in town. That’s the power of having guests on your podcast! Their followers will check out your show, and you’ll reach a whole new audience. Plus, you can also be a guest on other podcasts which can help you tap into others audiences and attract listeners who might love your content

4. Repurpose to Reach More People

Repurposing your podcast content is like turning one great party into multiple mini-events. Take the audio from your episode and transform it into:

  • Blog Posts: Summarise key points and add extra insights, or use the Podcast transcript into a conversation chat!

  • Social Media Snippets: Share bite-sized highlights that grab attention.

  • Videos: Create short clips or trailers for visual platforms.

This way, you’re keeping your podcast fresh in people’s minds and reaching different audiences on various platforms

5. Consistency Builds Momentum

Imagine if your favourite TV show only aired once in a while. You’d lose track of it, right? Consistency in posting and promoting is key. Regular content reminds your audience that you’re active and keeps them coming back for more.  Here’s how to stay on track:

  • Regular Schedule: Stick to a posting schedule (weekly, bi-weekly etc).

  • Ongoing Promotion: Keep talking about your podcast in your newsletters and social media

6. A Visibility Strategy: The Game Changer

In a crowded world of podcasts, a visibility strategy is your spotlight. It ensures your podcast doesn’t just blend in with the background. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • Boost Engagement: More visibility means more listeners and engagement.

  • Expand Your Audience: Regular promotion and guest appearances help you reach new people.

  • Build Authority: Consistent visibility and repurposing show you’re a trusted voice in your field.

7. Tracking and Tweaking

A visibility strategy isn’t a “set it and forget it” type of thing. Keep track of what works and what doesn’t. This will be different for every podcast!

If a certain type of post or guest appearance drives more downloads, do more of that! Regularly checking your podcast metrics helps you fine-tune your strategy for even better results.

Posting an episode every week is a great start, but it’s just the beginning of your podcast journey!

To truly make your podcast stand out and attract more listeners, you need a visibility strategy. Share your episodes multiple times, collaborate with guests, repurpose content, and keep an eye on what works best. With these steps, you’ll turn your podcast from being invisible to visible!


At The Soul Agency, we’re here to help you reach your podcast goals. Let’s get that party started and make your podcast reach some visibility!

If you’d like support with launching your Podcast, ongoing Podcast management or Podcast Strategy - We have services with exactly that! Book a Connect Chat and we can see how we can best support you best.


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