Self Care Is Productive

As a business owner it can be so easy to get caught up in the excitement of actioning all those ideas and projects running through your veins and placing your own needs to the side.

Taking care of yourself is not only beneficial for your personal wellbeing but also for your business! Self-care is more than just a buzzword; it’s a productive habit that can help you achieve success in the long run. Taking the time to recharge might seem counterintuitive, however it can help you have a positive mindset so you’re more likely to be efficient and productive with your time.

We believe that how you show up for yourself behind the scenes in business really does matter and sets the tone for what’s to come and what you’re creating.

Taking time intentionally for YOU allows you to stay in alignment with your values and energetically fill your cup up so you can then give from the overflow. 

Some self care rituals we love are:

  • Nourishing your body and eating intentionally with wholefoods

  • Staying hydrated and drinking 2-3L of water a day

  • Exercising and moving your body in a way that feels good for you

  • Practicing mindfulness meditation 

  • Partaking in a hobby or  passion

When you take care of yourself, you energetically attract what’s in alignment and have the space to make clear headed decisions and have those fresh ideas flowing through. 

When you take the time to prioritize your own needs it allows you to be creative and innovative but you’ll also reap the benefits in the long run ready to face the long game in your business.


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