The Power of Monthly Reflection: Why You Should Make It A Ritual

As a business owner, it can be easy to get caught up in the daily grind of meetings, emails, and to-do lists. But, have you ever taken a step back to reflect on your progress? 

At the end of each month we like to create a ritual to reflect back on business from a higher perspective. It’s a powerful tool that can help you assess your business,   honour your achievements (they need to be celebrated!), check in for any energy leaks, improvements and get into alignment with your new vision and goals  for the upcoming month! Plus, it's a perfect excuse to treat yourself to a cup of coffee (or a wine) and some quality "me" time.

So, what does monthly reflection entail? First, find a space where you feel you can focus. Next, take a deep breath and ask yourself some questions. 

Some journal prompts we love to use are:

+ What were my biggest achievements? (professionally + personally)


+How did the business perform this month? - What did I learn and was there anything that could be improved?

+ What tasks/projects have I been avoiding and why?

+ What can I do to ensure that these tasks/projects get completed in the new upcoming month?

+ What goals/vision do I have for the new upcoming month?

+ What are the needle moving activities I need to implement?

Reflection isn't just about looking back, it's also about looking forward so you can stay in alignment with your bigger picture vision.  Maybe you want to increase your sales, improve your customer service, or launch a new product or service.. Whatever it is, write it down and create an action plan.

AND don't forget to celebrate your wins! Take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Treat yourself to a nice dinner, buy that new book you've been wanting, or celebrate with a friend.

Monthly reflection is a powerful tool for any business owner. It's a chance to assess your progress, set new goals, and celebrate your successes. So, grab your favourite beverage, find a space you can focus, and reflect away! Your business (and your mental health) will thank you.

Be sure to implement a ritual and come back to this at the end of every month so you can tap into that higher frequency!

Need further support with your creating clarity or planning your upcoming quarter?

See our VIP Planning Day which is a space where we come together to help you create clarity of exactly what you have upcoming and put a plan in place for the next quarter (or 3 months) so those next steps are easy for you to follow and implement.


Book in for a Strategy Session - you can email us at to secure your spot!


How Quarterly Planning Can Transform Your Business


Self Care Is Productive